Tiny Gods “Some gods say, the tiny ones“I am not here in your vibrant, moist lipsThat need to beach themselves uponthe golden shore of aNaked body.” Some gods say, “I am notthe sacred yearning in the unrequited soul;I am not the blushing cheekOf every star and Planet– I am not the applauding ChefOf those precious sections that can distillThe whole mind into a perfect wincing jewel, if onlyFor a momentNor do I reside in every pile of sweet warm dungBorn of earth’sGratuity.” Some gods say, the ones we need to hang,“your mouth is not designed to know His,Love was not born to consumethe luminousrealms.” Dear ones,Beware of the tiny gods frightened menCreateTo bring an anesthetic reliefTo their sadDays.” — Hafiz View fullsize Kara DuvalApril 18, 2016Hafiz, shadow work, acceptance, poetry 0 Likes